My kick foot and hand hate me!
Can’t get your foot and hand to cooperate?
Do you feel stuck with your drumming progress?
Click the button for the FREE Kick Independence Guide and learn how only 3 steps and 1 simple mental hack can make the difference for you.
"Once I found Meshem, I started taking lessons with him. It was night and day. He really helped me in the understanding of freedom on the drums the understanding of coordination and everything you do as far as drums go."
- Lori Parsons
Unlock your limbs with our proven 3-Step System .
You can play a few basic drum grooves but you are ready to tackle the next level of limb coordination.
In this mini-course we will go through the steps that will separate your limbs so that you can play syncopated kick drum beats with freedom and fluidity.
As an added bonus to this training, you will also learn 4 popular classic hits from Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Foo Fighters!
Are you ready for drumming freedom?
Let's do this!
Click the button below.
Limb Independence in 3 Steps will unlock your kick foot and your hand so that you will be able to play funky grooves.
Would you prefer a teacher to guide you with video lessons?
Here is how our mini-course with guided instruction will help you:
Learn an unconventional but powerful method to separate your limbs and play syncopated beats, FINALLY!
Learn the one simple trick that will be the game changer with how you approach learning new drum beats. EYE OPENING!
Get your rhythmic mojo back with high levels of confidence and feel amaaaazing playing the beats and songs you love